Area Rug Cleaning

Cleaning your area rug can be a challenging task, especially if you haven't done it in a while. However, it is essential to clean your Austin rugs on a regular basis, as dust mites and microbes can gather in your rugs and carpets cause a variety of diseases. As a matter of fact, dirty area rug can worsen asthma, can create bronchitis and a wide range of respiratory issues. Having said that, here you will find the top five area rug cleaning tips that will let you clean your rugs in a fast, safe and cost-effective way.

Vacuum First

One of the biggest mistakes people tend to do is that they move on to the wet cleaning process without vacuuming the area rug first. Vacuuming the rug is essential, as this will eliminate the excess debris and will make the cleaning part a lot easier. Besides, if you rub the area rug without properly removing the dust and debris, there will still be loose dirt inside the rug. All you need is a normal dry vacuum cleaner to make your work easier. If you do not want to use the vacuum cleaner, you can always go for the traditional broom, made from real broom corn.

Choosing The Right Product

Choosing the right cleaning products is essential for removing all stains, dust and bacteria located in your Austin rug. You basically have two options: you can either use products that are especially designed for rugs, or you can prepare a homemade cleaning product. If you have an expensive, unique type of rug and you are afraid that you might ruin it, it is highly recommended to choose professional products - however, test the product on the corner of the rug before cleaning it! On the other hand, you can combine warm water with mild liquid soap - this option is more affordable, especially if you have several rug to clean!

Shaving Cream Helps Remove Stains

We have all confronted with the problem of wine stains on the area rug - if this is your case too, then you certainly know that wine stains don't come off easily! As a tip, you can use shaving cream to remove these stains quickly and efficiently and, most important, without damaging your rug! Apply the shaving cream with an old shaving brush, allow it to "work its magic" for a couple of minutes then use a damp, clean rag to wipe up the shaving cream.

How To Remove Grease On Your Austin Area Rug

Grease stains can be a real challenge to clean -- even more difficult than red wine stains in some cases. Here's a simple trick for getting grease out quickly. Sprinkle the rug with flour and lay a piece of brown paper of the stain, press with a heavy object and wait for 20 minutes. The grease will transfer to the paper and remove virtually all of the grease.

Last, but certainly not least, diluted white vinegar can act like an universal cleaning product - it can not only remove almost all sorts of stains, but it can also kill germs and remove dust mites in no time. However, the rule is that you must always test any product on a small part of the rug before using it on the entire rug.

In conclusion, these are the top five tips for Austin area rug cleaning quickly and effectively with a minimum of effort. If you take into account the hints mentioned above, you will have sparkling clean rugs without spending lots of money and time.