Allergy Relief Treatment

​Dust mites, pet allergens and other airborne nemesis can be real threats to the air quality of your home or business. Now, The Steam Team, a leader in many Austin home services, can help you reduce allergens in your home by up to 90 percent. It's all to help you breathe easier.

​They key to our high success rate in removing Austin home allergies in The Steam Team's exclusive relief treatment. We've tested and grown the process over many years to ensure the most effective treatment for riding your home of allergies from dust mites or pets.

Allergy Removal In The Bedroom

​We spend a lot of time in the bedroom, so keeping it clean and allergy free is critical to health and sleep quality. Over the years, the typical mattress will collect an enormous amount of dust mites -- up to 10 million! And the result is major exposure to allergies and asthma attacks.

The Steam Team recommends that you regularly clean all of the fabrics in your bedroom, including mattresses, linens and curtains. We use a very powerful steam cleaning process that effectively kill the majority of the dust mites in your furniture and linens. And then, we apply our unique allergy relief treatment to the surfaces to neutralize anything that remains.

Austin Home Allergy Treatment

​In addition to your bedroom, there are some other critical areas of your home you'll want to address with regard to allergies, pet dander and dust mites. This is especially true if you have indoor pets. You may want to treat the whole house with The Steam Team's allergy relief treatment.

Whole house cleaning and allergy treatment provide the greatest chance for allergy sufferers to get relief offer the greatest potential benefits for allergy sufferers. A few of The Steam Team advantages:

  • ​Expert technicians
  • The latest equipment and practices
  • Whole house capabilities
  • ​100 percent customer satisfaction

Give The Steam Team a call today for all your Austin home allergy needs.